Basic Title & Registration Training Course

On-Line Basic Agent Service Training information
We are glad you chose to take the PA AAA Federation’s On-Line Basic Agent Service training course. This On-Line Basic Agent Service training course has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and meets the requirement for an Agent Service staff member with one year or less experience in completing motor vehicle forms to complete a Basic Agent Service training course.

Payment instructions
The fee to take this on-line course is $120.00 per person. The only option to pay for the on-line course is with a credit card (Visa, Master Card, American Express or Discover Card). Please sign up one person at a time to take the on-line course. 

Review/Quiz Information
At the end of some lessons you will find review questions in a quiz that is graded automatically. Please answer the questions in the quiz to see how much you remember from the lesson. The quizzes do not count toward passing this course. The review questions/answers will help you learn more about motor vehicle forms/procedures and are a review of the lessons you completed.

Timeframe to complete the on-line course
The person taking the on-line course has six months to complete the course.  If you do not complete the course all at one time, you can resume progress by clicking the button provided on the Your Account page.

Final Assignment
The Final Assignment is 15 questions based on some of the information that you learned from completing the course. The Final Assignment is at the end of this online course. You must read the entire course before you can take the Final Assignment. Your score in the Final Assignment will be automatically graded and counts toward you successfully completing the course. You must answer at least 12 of the 15 questions correctly (equal to 80%) to obtain a passing grade and to receive a certificate of completion for the On-Line Basic Agent Service Training course from the PA AAA Federation. The Final Assignment is at the end of this course.  You may take the Final Assignment as many times as needed until you pass.

When you have answered at least 12 questions of the Final Assignment correctly, you will need a computer printer to print the Un-Sworn Verification Statement.  By signing and completing the Un-Sworn Statement, you acknowledge completing the Final Assignment solely and entirely on your own and that you did not consult with or request assistance from any other person in completing the Final Assignment.

What to do after you pass the On-Line Basic Agent Service training course
Mail the completed Un-Sworn Statement to the PA AAA Federation, ATTN: License Manager, 600 N. Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-1154. If you answered 80% of the questions correctly, you will receive a certificate of completion from the PA AAA Federation for successfully completing the On-Line Basic Agent Service Course. The certificate of completion will be emailed to the address associated with your account and also made available on the Your Account page. A copy of the certificate of completion should be provided to your employer that will prove you successfully completed a PennDOT approved On-Line Basic Agent Service Training course.

Who to contact if you have questions
If you have any questions, please contact the License department at 717-909-2870 (Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm) or send an e-mail inquiry to


  • The contact information on the form below is for the TEST TAKER.
  • Each subscriber account (username) should be used by only one person, as it is how the certificate is generated and delivered upon course completion.
  • Signing up an employee or colleague? Please create a new account for each person you’re registering. This requires you to log out of your own account prior to registration.
  • You have 6 months to complete the course.

Registering Yourself or Someone Who Already Has an Account?

If you’re registering yourself or someone else for a course who already has an account, you may log in below:

*If you do not already have an account, proceed below to open one.